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Why Use Electronic Signatures

With the rise of technology, there is no longer many uses for paper and pen. If your office is not completely paperless, then it is good to start adopting electronic signatures.

An electronic signature is an electronic data that is used by a signatory to sing. If the electronic signature adheres to the requirements of the specific regulation it was created under, then its legal standing is the same as a handwritten signature.

Electornic signatures are used for a quick document authentication without the use of paper and pen but with a uniquely identifiable mark. While there are concerns about security, electronic signatures are continually being used for private affairs, legal documents, business transactions, and official government documents.

Here are some of the benefits of electronic signatures.

One of the benefits of electronic signatures is that it is simple and easy to use. It just involves delivering a secure link to the recipient. You have completed the process once the recipient signs the document. It simply takes opening a link and clicking a button to use electronic signatures.

It is a safer and more secure way of signing documents compared to traditional paper documents. The security of your electronic signature is seen in that it does not only contain your signature but it also contains information as to who signed the document, where and when it was signed.

There is geographic dispersal in businesses today. It is possible now to deal with different suppliers, customers, and partners in different cities, states, and countries. Remote authentication is now possible with electronic signatures so you don’t have to mail, print, and scan documents anymore.

Because electronic signatures are very convenient, the turnaround is much faster. Everyone can sign off within seconds instead of sending the document by mail to one party, getting them to print, sign, and scan, and then sending it to the next party, and repeating the process down the line. You get greater versatility in time-sensitive situations with electronic signatures which give you a faster turnaround.

Compared to traditional pen and paper method, using electronic signatures is more cost-effective. Since you don’t need paper, postage, mailing supplies and time, then you save money on these with electronic signatures. You get a lot of savings over the years.

If you are still using the traditional way of signing documents, then perhaps you should consider switching to electronic signatures.

People today are getting used to seeing or signing electronic documents and so it is already becoming very common in our day.

If you switch to electronic signature today, you will be saving a lot of money of costs of traditional signing methods; so consider switching to electronic signatures today. When you have switched to electronic signatures, you can then think of bigger and better things for your business.

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