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ARTAS Hair Transplant and All You Need to Know About it

There comes a point in the life of most men when they start experiencing some form of hair loss. It is unavoidable. There are many solutions to this but the efficiency of some is questionable. There is probably no remedy as effective as ARTAS hair transplant. However, it is still relatively unknown among most people. You can only tell if it is going to provide you with the solution you need after you know everything about. By reading more here, you will learn all you need to know about ARTAS.

It is a method of follicular unit extraction and it is just as efficient as strip harvesting when it comes to solving thinning hair. It was first used close to two decades ago although it was not as efficient as it may be now. In this process, hair is extracted from the scalp and transplanted to a different place. In most cases, areas that are rarely affected by male pattern baldness such as the back and the sides of the donors head will be used as extraction as they are rarely affected by male pattern baldness sites. The process completes with the hair being transplanted to the areas with hair loss problems. It is better than strip harvesting in a number of ways such as being minimally invasive. However, the process of follicular extraction is prone to human errors. Although once mechanized, the process has gone through a number of modifications and it is now both time and cost effective.

There are many ways in which ARTAS betters the other products and procedures that promise to help with thinning hair. It is not any different from traditional follicular extraction as it also extracts the best quality hair grafts from the donor site. However, ARTAS identifies the best possible hair grafts by using robotic technology and artificial intelligence. the grafts are extracted after doctors have prepared the pores on the area with thinning hair for the transplants. It is the best way to stop balding even though the results are much clearer after a few months. You can keep ARTAS hair growing for about fourteen months although it may last much longer if you combine it with other treatments to keep your scalp healthy. Hair rejuvenation can be achieved in a number of ways but it is advisable to go with a barber surgeon.

Just like ARTAS, NeoGraft is still better than strip harvesting even though it does not use all the robotics and algorithms that ARTAS does.

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